Your Spirituality Is the Most Important Foundation In Your Life

Definition: Spirituality is your connection with yourself, and the Universe. How you relate to yourself, and to the greater force of Life that exists around you.

Ever since my near-death experience in 2015, I understood that my spirituality is the most important foundation of my life. That instead of spending my youth years chasing external successes and get lost like everyone else, I was going to build the solid internal foundation within, that would set me up for a lifetime success.

The near-death experience wisdom taught me that my relationship to myself in this lifetime is the most important because that relationship defines EVERYTHING else in my universe. How I connect with others, my career, finances, health, and creativity. If I don’t have a solid relationship with myself, how do I expect to have a solid relationship with anything else in life?

Know thyself.

That’s not a cliche. It’s a life philosophy. It’s a life guiding principle. It’s the truth behind all of the bullshit that society persuades you to look outside of yourself to find the answers. The answers are within. And unless you know yourself, and you build a deep connection with yourself and life, you will not find your answers.

That is why I believe that spirituality is the most important foundation in life. It’s the foundation that sets you up for a fulfilling and successful career. Why? Because you build your career from deep self-understanding & knowledge. Not based on what your parents told you, set up for you, or what society convinced you of what would be successful.

When you chase something else outside of you, you are selling yourself short. You aren’t living up to your soul potential, and that’s just the truth.

The only way to live up to your fullest potential, who you really are, is to go within, and make spirituality the most important foundation until you know who you are, and from that point — decide where you want to go in life.

I’ve seen so many adults, in their 30’s, even in their 50’s experiencing soul crisis because they have not done the inner work of getting to know themselves. They are miserable af, they are suffering everyday, they are unhappy, unfulfilled in their career, marriage, and health. Don’t be that person.

I know many people in their 20’s not prioritizing this, and continually feel lost in the outside world, chasing external successes outside of themselves. And then, they come to the point of facing quarter-life crisis. This is normal, first of all. The crisis is a signal to go inward. To go deeper. To see life beyond where you are.

It’s time to go inward.

It’s time to look at the right direction before you jump ahead and speed up to where-ever you’re going in life. It’s not the speed, don’t try to just speed up something. It’s the direction. Where are you going? Where are you looking? Are you looking at the right direction?

You can have the best speed, but if you have the wrong direction, guess what? You’re not going where you need to go.

Examine your direction. Examine your purpose. Examine who you are.

Don’t just get lost in the outside world. Go within, and make love to your soul. Allow your soul to be the guiding force to your fulfilling and successful life. Allow your soul to be the authority that makes the decisions, not your externalized socially-conditioned self.

Be your own sovereignty. Be the authority of your life. Choose your own direction.

The biggest regret of the dying is that they did not live a life true to themselves.

Do you see now, how many people get lost in the outside world for their whole life? Do you choose to be them? OR do you you choose to be you and live a life true to your soul?

It’s your decision. Make this life your own.


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