What I Do When I Am Going Through A Hard Time

No matter how successful you are, there are difficult times in your life, internally or externally. There is no shame to admit that you’re going through a hard time.

I’m writing this post during a Neptune & Jupiter conjunction — a rare, once in a blue moon event in Astrology. Supposedly, one of the biggest spiritual portal this month.

Usually, when I think of a spiritual portal, I think of manifestation, abundance, liberation, and joy. 2022 had taught me the otherwise. On 22.02.2022, my grandfather passed away. It was supposed to be one of the biggest spiritual portal of the year, or decade… for manifestation. And there I was, deep in the portal of grief.

This time, I’m walking through a dark period of my soul, internally. Shedding many old layers once again. Dismantling old beliefs, stories, emotions that held me imprisoned in the past. I literally feel like I am falling into pieces, inside.

You know how the saying goes, allow things to fall into pieces so they can fall into place.

This is the trust, and faith that I have whenever I am going through a hard time. This alone, helps me move through difficult periods with grace.

One of the things that I like to do when I am going through a hard time is to spend time alone in nature. This is my Hermit mode, profile line 2 side. There’s something deeply mystical and healing about spending time alone in nature that nothing else seems comparable to. This is my medicine during the dark times. This has been my medicine since I was even a child.

When I am alone, I quiet my mind, and communicate with Source, the Universe, or Life as you call it. In this silent communication, and communion, I find my connection back to myself, and to the greater force that had created me. In this space, I feel the divine, I feel the healing energy, I feel the wisdom inside. Do I dare to say.. that in this space, I am One with the Infinite Wisdom. The Wisdom that guides me, my soul, back home.

I have done much work with the deep intention to liberate my soul. The deeper I go, the more I realize that liberation is not about having no struggles, or no struggles ever showing up in life. Liberation is the refining process of handling struggles, each time with more ease, more grace, and more inner freedom.

More inner freedom, in the sense of, freeing of the mind’s old conditioning, freeing of the past stories/old stuck hurts, freeing of the old paradigms one used to live in, freeing of the emotions that one used to get stuck in. Inner freedom through seeing its presence. Through self-awareness.

That liberation is NOT a destination, but the journey of liberating oneself in each and every moment.

There is no shame, or embarrassment for going through a hard time in your life. This is what I have learned. Somehow it seems that the more successful someone feels on the outside, the more shame they feel on the inside to admit that they’re struggling. This is the paradigm of putting success on a pedestal. Thinking that success is the end-all, be-all of no more struggles.

I find that successful people, millionaires, multi-millionaires, successful coaches, healers, therapists, monks, nuns, struggle in their own way. The pedestal paradigm puts way too much emphasis on Nirvana being attainable somewhere. Where in fact, we’re all humans, and remain humans for the rest of this life as we know it.

Happiness, and liberation comes when we accept all that we experience. Both the good, and the bad.

So if you are going through a hard time right now, I want to say that I love you. I see you. And I feel you. You are not alone in your struggles. You are human, and the struggles are okay.

Keep going, you got this.


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