Why I Stopped Listening To Everyone Around Me & Prioritize My Own Sovereignty Instead

Call me a rebel. Call me stubborn. Call me whatever you may. I don’t listen to anyone around me. Not my parents, friends, teachers, mentors, or the experts. I take guidance from whom has the life and result that I desire, and then, I listen to my soul. I let my soul guides me because I know the powerful wisdom of my soul. It’s the wisdom that had led me to create, and live the life that I desire. One that feels good to who I am. One that I am proud of. It’s the guidance that I trust. I listen to my soul.

I’m stubborn. I’m unreasonable. I’m unrealistic & that’s why my life works for me.

When my parents, family and friends felt concerned for me when I decided to go on meditation retreats with no end-goal in mind, I still fucking did it because my soul told me to. I just followed the calling of my soul with no logical reasoning. I do it with no expectations, no attachment of some successful external measures. I just did it for the sheer knowing and faith within that this is what I am meant to do; and that has made all of the difference. Even when my mentors and coaches give me the best advice, or guidance that work for them. My job is to go within, and discern for myself what is right for me. I don’t just take on advice and directions from others. I ground in my self sovereignty, and decide what is right for me.

I’m stubborn. I’m unreasonable. It’s fucking impossible for anyone to talk me out of doing what is aligned for my soul. And this is why I know my life is going to fucking be the most epic for me. Because I don’t listen to anyone else, but myself. I do what I want. I live how I want. I say what I want. I have an incredible relationship with myself. I trust myself to leap forward. I trust my soul to guide me in even unknown places. I trust the fuck out of myself & make my life works for me the way I want it. You get to do the same. Be in your own sovereignty. Don’t listen to anyone else.

Your soul knows the way.


Taking The Path Less Traveled


Your Spirituality Is the Most Important Foundation In Your Life