Taking The Path Less Traveled

This article is for the men and women who are ready to be the trail blazer of their own path in life — following the calling of their soul.

I reflected this morning on the decisions that I have made throughout my 20's, and the paths that I have chosen at every fork on the road… and here is what I realized… Since 2015, I have been the one to take the path less traveled. The unpopular path. The path that doesn’t make sense to most people. The path that seems to go ‘against the grain’ of societal conditioning. The path that only makes sense to my soul.

Of course, it wasn’t always that way. As a kid, I grew up trying to fit in, was conditioned to conform to society, and peers. Even in university, I was following the socially determined path: do well in school, get a good corporate job, and climb the ladder to the top. However, 2015 marked a major turning point.

My near-death experience in 2015 woke me to the ultimate truth of life that I forever take with me to my grave. That truth was, “Life is short, and precious as fuck. So don’t waste it living anyone else’s life. Go live your own. Follow the calling of your soul. And be all that you are meant to be”.

I awoken to the truth within myself that I needed to be the trail blazer of my soul. I needed to be the one paving my own path, and following my soul’s calling — even when I didn’t know what that really meant. All I knew was how important this was to me, and my precious, limited time on Earth. It was an intention that I had set out for myself since.

This intention had led me on a huge soul-awakening path with many beautiful memories that I forever hold dear in my heart. This path had also awaken the powerful, spiritual, soulful warrior within me, to now be the one leading others to discover their own path in life.

A moment that I always remember, and come back to is in June of 2019, when I was at a 10-day Vipassana meditation retreat in Thailand. I remember sitting on a meditation cushion in a beautiful hall that resembles a Buddhist temple… It felt like I was in a time-warp… Everything was so still, and quiet. No chattery, no major movements, no social interactions, no mind stimulations. In this space, when the whole world quieted down, everything suddenly distilled into purity. This was one of the most precious experiences in my early 20’s. It’s a mystical experience that to this day, I am still trying to fit into words…

During that time, I had so many awakening insights of who I am, what life is about, how I have been: the hurt, anger and resentments that I have been holding onto that now needing to release, the love and compassion that naturally exist within me, the pure potentiality that I am as a human on this planet. All of these insights, and awakenings happen one after another, in absolute stillness & silence. The experience of feeling, and inner-knowing that I can be anyone, do anything I desire in this lifetime. That I am not limited to anything because I am pure potential is the kind of experience that I desire to bring into my coaching sessions for my clients.

Every spiritual experience, and awakening that I have had, I bring the wisdom, insight, and energy into the process of transformation for my clients. This has been the most profound experience & progress of my career path. Every session with a client, is an opportunity for me to awaken to my soul again. How fucking amazing.

I never thought I would have such an amazing job. I mean, this doesn’t even feel like a job. It feels like a Soul Mission. As I grow, my clients grow — and as my clients evolve, I evolve too. In this ecosystem of a soulful life that I have intended, built, and manifested — I’m feeling ever expanded as a human being and a spirit on this Earth. And I cannot wait to help more people do the same.

I’m so GLAD that I chose a different path than the one my parents had wanted for me, society had influenced me, and that my peers had followed. This was the BEST decision in my 20’s & I know the rewards of it is ever-unfolding.

I live an unconventional life & it’s fucking awesome!

I define my career path based on my soul calling, not based on my university degree. I make money from expanding my soul, and helping others expand theirs, not from working by the hours. I achieve success by the standards of my own evolution & witnessing others have theirs, not by societal measures. This is incredible. This was not in the ‘book’ that was taught to me growing up ;).

That is why, I fully believe and stand for paving your own path.

Because life gets to be so amazing, so wholesome, full of joy, and amazing gifts beyond what society had tried to convince you of. The amount of money that I make, and the way that I have made it by following my soul is UNLIKE anything that a corporate job can give me. I feel so fulfilled, so expanded, so happy making more money than I did working at a 9–5, while I get to evolve as a soul & spirit.

I can go on a rant about how amazing this all is, but I feel like you feel me ;), haha.

So Leaders, if you’re reading this article — this is a SIGN!

Follow the calling of your soul. Pave an unconventional path for yourself. Lead the way. Do it your own way. Be the trail blazer of your own path & lead humanity to a greater world.

& if you desire to have me as your guide on this path, don’t be afraid to reach out & connect. I love you & I believe in you.

Til’ next time ;)


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