This is a soul initiation to your path of purpose, soul direction, spiritual alignment, and personal truth.

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why"

– Mark Twain

Your Quest Of Wandering

You know deep inside that there is a calling you are meant to take on. Your task in this lifetime is to retrieve that soul mission and devote yourself to it completely. But perhaps, you don’t know where to begin. You’re on the quest of discovering it, listening to its nudges, and following its breadcrumbs. You know for a fact, you want to discover in depth about who you are, and why you have come here.

You may have read a lot of self-help books, psychology, or spirituality to learn more about who you are. However, you’re now entering the initiation process where you are applying everything on a deeper level, and taking yourself to the real next level of your soul embodiment. The Gate of Wisdom™ — where you’re ready to do the real thing, experience it beyond intellectual knowledge. The actual, active soul work. The work of meeting, connecting, and learning about your Soul. Learning through direct experience, and embodiment.

Congratulations. Your inquiry indicates that you’re 90% further than most people in society whom live their lives on auto-pilot. But not you. You’ve consciously chosen to inquire about your soul at a deeper level and that takes real spiritual maturity.

Soul initiation is a deep process and its transformation goes beyond books, podcasts, or regular informational programs… This deep soul work is meant to truly transform you at a deep level. And with a mentor’s guidance, you can explore your soul in a safe and sacred space. This is the work and transformation that you get to experience in Soul Trailblazer™ with me.

Your Soul holds the knowledge of your true, destined place in the world, of what is truly worth doing in your lifetime. Most people have felt an immeasurably deep longing for their life to be a passionate adventure & a meaningful contribution to the world, but few know how to make that real. And you are on this journey.

Your biggest purpose in life at this moment, is to uncover your soul’s purpose in this lifetime by uncovering the truth of who you are, spiritually at the core.

Welcome to your next soul evolution, Soul Trailblazer.

Gate Of Wisdom

Through the Gate of Wisdom, the gate of your inner soul, I will walk with you towards your highest soul calling. What I call, your Ancient Soul.

Through this journey, you will enter a place of deep inner-knowing, spiritual connection, powerful inner guidance and direction for life.

The Divine Door

You are the Seeker of Truth & here to Channel your own Inner Wisdom through your connection to the cosmic Mystery.

  • The Akashic Records are believed to hold the deepest, most profound information about a soul's journey across lifetimes. When it comes to discovering one's soul core identity and lifetime purpose, accessing the Akashic Records can provide unparalleled clarity.

  • This is the gate of your inner world. Where you will discover your own inherent inner wisdom of ancient soul, of lifetimes.

Your Soul Awakening

Soul Trailblazer is your soul journey of remembering who you are & what you were born to do. This is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself in this lifetime. Period. This is the process of awakening the highest spirit within you that has the power to guide you on your soul path. This divine power guides you through the world with absolute determination, focus, and energy.

I want to tell you with all seriousness that the work of discovering your soul identity & purpose is MEANT for spiritual leaders like you. Know that you are a leader by simply inquiring about your soul, and it is now your duty to fulfill your potential in this lifetime. So that you can share and contribute your gifts with humanity.

The Soul Awakening process results in visionary leaders, paradigm innovators, and evolutionary light-workers.

Someone who knows why they were born, who knows who they are as a unique individual participant in the web of life, and who creatively occupies their distinctive soul path as a gift to their people, and the greater Earth community.

Dear Soul Trailblazer, that person is you.

“Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is enlightenment”

— Lao Tz

3 months together

12 Live coaching calls

During the three months together, we will get the opportunity to gather weekly and transform through deep heart to heart, soul to soul conversations, coaching and guidance.

12 pre-recorded Modules

Upon joining, you will receive instant access to the 12 pre-recorded modules of teachings and transmission for this course.

Bonus Materials

Meditations, invocations, activations from the ether to help you accomplish your goals.

The 10 Stages Of Soul Awakening

I have been on this Sacred Soul Journey for 7 years. I have covered many territories on this map that you are about to embark on. This map will give you an overview of the road ahead, like a GPS to help guide you along the way.


The origin of The Soul Trailblazer program began when I had my near death experience at 18 years old.

That event changed my life forever. For the next 7 years of of my journey, I went on a Spiritual Quest to discover who I am and why am I here. Birthing the core teachings of this program.

Soul Guide & Initiator

Axtaxia Kara
Soul Guide [projector 6/2]

Axtaxia’s Story

  • When I had my near-death experience 7 years ago, the only two questions I had walking out of that experience alive were: who am I & why am I here?

    I had read the book The Top Five Regrets Of The Dying, before and after this experience, and I knew that for my life, I wasn’t going to live with that first regret on the list — "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me."

    Since my near-death experience, I came to the realization that my whole life, I had lived for everyone else but myself. Whether it was following the traditional path that society set out for me, living up to my family’s expectations, or subconsciously being influenced by my peers and what they deemed as successful… I was living based on everyone else’s standards unconsciously, and really did not live a life truly of my own. This is a huge mistake.

    It was my biggest and most important quest since then, to know who I am deeply at the core because I knew that only by knowing myself, would I be able to live a life true to me. I understood that finding myself also meant finding my purpose. That who I am & why I am here were closely tie to one another. I just didn’t know it would take this long to find the answers… 7 years total.

    90% of people in life who never discovered their truth at all. And for most, they begin a search for their life purpose after a mid-life crisis past 35 years old. Without judgement, whichever stage you’re at, it’s never too late, and it’s not too early. You’re at the perfect place and time. And I am glad you are here reading this — because this is a sign — it is meant to be.

  • When I discovered the truth of who I am at the core of my being, and what it is that I came here to do — I literally became unstoppable, and invincible on my soul path. I was like the Phoenix rising out of ashes, ready to take on the world. Nothing was stopping me any longer — no more excuses, fears, or even limitations.

    More importantly, I became my own person, and started building and living a life 100% true to who I am. I was no longer living a life according to someone else’s standards or expectations. I was now in the sovereign creation of my own life. This is fucking EPIC.

    After discovering who I am & why I came here, I began to pave my own soul trailblazing path. I created a life where I make money being who I truly am at the core, and living in alignment with my soul’s calling.

    Soul Retrieving my own path was a personal choice that I took after facing death. This experience of soul awakening is the gift I am called to share with the world through Soul Retrieval. I am here to guide and redirect you on your soul path, so that you can live a life true to who you are & true to what you came here to do on this planet. This is by far the most rewarding discovery you can have, and gift to your existence in this lifetime.

  • Helping others awaken is my biggest mission in life because I truly believe that you are the conscious leaders who paves a new path for humanity.

Become a Soul Trailblazer!

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail — Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • Every coach has a unique personality, coaching style, and energy. In order to find a coach who is the right match for you, here are the three questions I would ask:

    1. Do you feel activated, educated, and awakened in their presence?

    2. Do you feel a heart and soul deep intuitive, inner strong pull to work with this coach?

    3. Does this coach deeply embody an essence that you desire to have within yourself or to learn from?

    As they often say, “when the student is ready - the teacher appears”. Trust your intuition and guidance on this decision.

  • 100%. You can check out my Testimonial Page here.

    If you would like to feel more reassured and informed in your decision making process, you can contact me through email, instagram, or the contact form here.

  • No. Because you are the creator of your life.

    I am supporting your transformations. How the transformation will happen for you, and exactly what transformation will unfold is uniquely dependent on the stage you are with your soul journey. There are many factors in your life that contributes to your entire evolution. I will do my absolute best to support your growth. However, I do not guarantee anything because the power is in your hand, what you make of the experience.

    You can read my Testimonial Page here if that supports your decision making.

  • Once you have decided that you want to embark on this journey together and made your payment, there will be no refund.


I am confident that this is the best soul educational program you can invest in on your journey of spiritual awakening! I know that with my coaching and the teachings of this program, you will feel 100% support on your spiritual journey.