Soul Journey

  • You are an eternal soul, before you were born you consciously chose a mission to be reborn again. You chose to be who you are in this lifetime, the circumstances, the family in your life to experience, to learn, and to evolve

    Conscious Soul Contracts:

    You have signed agreements both consciously, and unconsciously. Now, you came here to experience life through these contracts, agreements, and the one mission you came here to accomplish.

  • You are birthed in a chosen soul family that you have decided before being born. You have chosen the exact soul lessons, and people that are meant for your awakening journey.

    During childhood, you are completely open and free. You are the most receptive at this time to your gifts, talents, and core-self. You are deeply connected to the Universe. This is where we go to retrieve your ancient memory on Earth.

  • Now, you begin to encounter the World as you know it. Full of obstacles, challenges. You experience all of the pain, suffering, as well as love, joy and happy moments. All experiences were meant to be experienced so that you can learn and understand yourself.

  • Here, you are half awake, half asleep. Half awake because deep inside you know who you are, half asleep because through your encounter with the world, you have hidden your gifts and talents. It’s also because you have not yet learned how to harness them. This can go on for as long as you choose to hide your power, gifts and talents. Can be decades, and even the whole-life. The top regret of the dying is that they did not live true to who they are.

    This is why coming to this next stage of awakening is the most honouring stage. You hear the calling of your soul to wake up and live the life you are meant to live. This usually happens when something in life shakes you up! Whether a tragic event, a death of a family member, an accident, a terrifying experience, a great trauma, or it can also be a deep awakening through a meditative experience, self-connection, spiritual experience.

  • Now, you begin to hear the calling. The calling is there but you haven’t answered it. You’re afraid to. Because you have grown up so accustomed to the World, that the calling of the Soul seems strange, odd, and impossible to manifest into real life. You deny the call.

  • As you spend time on Earth denying the call, you experience life from your Ego, and false self. Here, you have chosen to live a life untrue to yourself out of fear, insecurity, and ignorance of the beautiful life that awaits you. You deny the call, and continue to feel unsatisfied with your life, even when everything seems to be “in place”, when you “have it all together”. You deep discontent and dissatisfaction comes from the fact that you have denied your true potential, your true self, your true gift in this world. You denied your Truth. You are living in deep denial and fear.

  • Breaking point at the Death Lodge

    The pain becomes unbearable at this point. Something tragic again happens for you to awaken to your own self-denial. Could be a financial crisis, family or health crisis. Or simply, an internal emotional crisis that cause you to look deeper into yourself.

    Here, you enter the death lodge, or the crisis of the soul, or the dark night of the soul. You are asking deeper questions, you are experience the feelings of being lost, depressed, frustration, anger, confusion. You feel empty inside because you are taking off the false mask of your ego self.

  • As you begin to ask the deeper questions, you begin the quest of the soul to find the answers. Here is when the adventure begins. You begin to take leaps of faith in your life, leaving the cocoon and beginning to enter into the unknown which are outside of your usual routines, or life framework. Either, you quit your job, end a relationship, move location, travel, or decide to invest in yourself through a self-development course.

    You begin an adventure of understanding who you are at deeper layers. You are no longer willing to tolerate a False Life.

  • All of the answers you seek are slowly beginning to reveal themselves to you through your experience, and each step you bravely take. Here you also encounter many challenges and obstacles that will steer you back into your old life.

  • Fork on the Road: False Self vs. True Self?

    Here you get to choose which self you will move towards. At this crossroad, your decision is everything. This decision changes the trajectory of your life. When you choose to go back to your false self out of fear, the old cycle of self-denial repeat themselves and even strengthen because you have chosen to deepen the conditioning of the false self. If you choose to follow the calling of the true self, the path then opened up to you and lead you to the next steps ahead. Now, all you have to do is listen and answer. Through this process, you develop a deeper connection with yourself, strengthening your intuition, and your instinctual knowledge of wisdom, You begin to open the Portal of all Access.

  • You have chosen to follow your soul path instead of the path of the false self. You have woken up from the illusion, and are now committed to follow your truth.

    Now, you are beginning to build, and live a life of your own. Independent of the world. You are now walking your soul path.