Your soul has always known

It is with my utmost belief that your soul has always known the way, whether you are aware of that or not. Your soul know exactly the way to guide you in life. The experiences to have, the places to go and the people to meet. Every chapter, every pit-stop, every twist and every turn — someway, somehow, you end up exactly where you need to be.

When I look back at my own journey, there were times when I wondered if pursuing meditation and going on retreats around the world even made sense. I felt like an aimless wanderer, who had no care for my professional development. Yet, here I am, 7 years later — my spiritual practice has become an integral part of my professional development.

When my peers graduated from university, everyone cared about how to get the best jobs, have the best career, and develop professional skills. At the time, the only thing I cared about was, how do I heal myself, how do I grow spiritually, how do I transcend what seems to be human-created illusions.

I was on a spiritual quest.

Everything else seemed insignificant and I didn’t know why.

Fast forward, I find myself living a very balanced life now having had the years of finding myself, creating myself, building my spiritual foundation. The years when I had spent time solo traveling, searching for my soul and a deep connection to who I was inside — are now the key ingredients to my personal success.

Every lesson that had presented themselves along the way had taught me incredible things about myself. The lessons that hurt me, and the ones that loved me — all of them had made me.

The times when I spent sitting alone in a meditation room, surrounded by people in their 40’s and 50’s, also on a spiritual journey, had taught me more about humanity and the perceptual illusions that we tend to get caught up in more than reading any books, attending any seminars, and watching youtube videos. LOL.

I love the version of me that went on this spiritual quest in my early twenties. I love the version of me now, that is actively integrating everything I have gathered throughout the years to build a solid foundation of my life. I love the version of me that I get to live and create every day.

Like my soul, yours has always known the way.


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