A Lesson on Trust

Lately, I have been asking Spirits to guide me and teach me. To transform all of my being into the person that I need to be in order to carry my mission forward. This lesson on trust came to me while I was snowboarding on the mountain. I am grateful to be sharing what I received with you. I hope that my insight will serve you on your journey. So here, we go.

Trust is a foundation of all relationships.

Have you ever heard that saying, “trust is the foundation of all healthy relationships?”. Well, what I discovered is that this doesn’t just apply to human relationships with one another. It applies to ALL relationships, including visions, dreams, projects, activities, and objects. For most of my life, I didn’t see things that way. I thought that relationship only applies between humans or animals (animated beings, visible forms). However, as I enter deeper into my spiritual work, I discover that relationship exists in all parts of life. Relationships are essentially the energetic chords that connect you, and whatever it is you are thinking about: a passion project, a business, a dream, a purpose, a hobby. Therefore, you are always in constant creation with the relationships you have in your life. And without trust, the relationship cannot function healthfully or smoothly. Without trust, your doubt gets in the way of everything. Your fears prevent you from fully going in, and allowing magic to happen. Without trust, relationships cannot function. This applies also to your dream. Your relationship to your own dream.

Applying trust: from snowboarding to business.

I have got to admit, I am no advanced snowboarder. I am very much learning how to ride the board, work with myself in the process, and balance my body. The lessons I extracted from my experience with snowboarding, I apply to business and life. Through that, I have been able to gain incredible insight on my own journey and my relationship with trust. As you read on, feel free to replace my reference for snowboarding with learning any new skill, because this doesn’t just apply to snowboarding. It applies to all new skills.

First, what I recognized is that there is no difference between building a business and snowboarding (aka learning something new). When you first learn something new, everything about it intimidates you. Everything about it scares you. Can you think of something? For me, ice-skating was one, snowboarding is another, and maybe a few more. What are they for you? When applying this to business, when you first start, you know nothing about it, so everything about it intimidates you and everything about it scares you. Your doubt, your fear take over your body and mind. You question whether or not you can do it. You question whether or not what you’re doing is the right thing, or if you’re doing anything right at all. You just have no idea.

But as you keep going, as you keep learning and as you keep taking on new levels of the same skill - you get better. More than anything, you get used to it. You get used to the practice, you slowly gain more confidence than before, you gain trust. This is exactly the same for entrepreneurship in my experience.

Secondly, when you are committed to building on your skill from beginner to a more advanced level, the act of it becomes easier. Like snowboarding, as you gain more skills, riding the mountain becomes easier. And so in business, as you gain more skills, build your knowledge, you gain the confidence to ride more, trust more, take the leap more. You learn to trust the ride. You learn to trust the vehicle that you are operating on. You learn to trust the path. The more advanced you become, the more abilities you have to do tricks and innovate. When you trust the board, the board teaches you the way. When you connect with the board, it connects with you, and it teaches you the way. The same thing as for business, when you connect with the spirit of the business and ask the spirit to teach you the way, to connect with you, to guide you - it will. In my experience, when I communicate with the spirit of whatever I am working on, it/they will talk back to me, share knowledge and insight with me. Ultimately, guiding me, teaching me, showing me the way.

Lean into fear.

The lesson I learned from all of this is to connect with whatever it is that I am afraid of. To ask my fear to guide me, to support me, to help me. Anything that I am afraid of I can ask from that object, and subject of fear to guide me, to support me, and to teach me the way. AKA, leaning into fear instead of away from it. When I asked my fear to guide me, it says:

“Trust me and I will guide you”. 

What I realized is that, when you don’t have trust in the thing you are looking at, every aspect of it fails. It fails not because you are not good enough, or not capable. It fails because there is a lack of trust between your connection to it. When you don’t have trust, your body reacts with nervousness out of fear. However, when you trust, your body gains confidence. It eases. You calm down. That is how you are able to perform the task at hand with absolute greatness and certainty. Even if you fail, you know you can get back up and do it again. Your relationship with trust deepens, and your relationship with failure becomes non-existent.

So, trust the path, trust the mountain. Trust the vehicle, trust the board. Trust yourself. Trust the journey. Trust the ride.


Self Love Journey


Anchored in One’s Own inner strength